
    Actual footage of me before and after drinking coffee.

    Earlier this year I read Gospel Allegiance by Matthew W Bates. It argues that the greek word we frequently translate as “Faith” might be best understood as Allegiance (even though Bates acknowledges that Pistis means faith/faithfulness/trust. This was a detail I missed in my first reading but caught when preparing the sketchnote.) The standout parts are where he breaks down Paul’s explanation of the Gospel in 1 Corinthians and explaining how works are necessary.

    I really enjoyed making this one, mainly because I love any excuse to use a gold leaf layer in procreate.

    Over the weekend I got this Β£5 rip off Apple Watch band. I love it. Great colour, great feel, secure fit.

    A change to my morning routine

    For the longest time I’ve put coffee on first thing in the morning; not anymore. We got coffee beans not grinds recently and β€” combined with the changing on the clocks that have made my kids finally not wake me up at 5 every. single. morning β€” I now have a little pause first thing. So I grab a glass of water, do a meditative prayer, and then read while hand grinding my coffee. The coffee is so much better than the store ground or when we used our blender to grind it.

    I’m extremely grateful to regain this moment of silenced and stillness at the start of the day. I’ve been struggling with feeling so rushed but starting slowly is the perfect cure.

    Made this for Easter.

    The outline is a single line, I used a gold leaf clipping mask for the tomb and another grey layer for the stone.

    One of the reasons I use yellow/ orange in my sketches is my interest in iconography.

    A sketchnote summary of Henri Nouwen’s The Way of the Heart. I had forgotten I had made this after I read it but @mwerickson reminded me of it.

    When you make friends with someone on micro blog you never know what will happen.

    I really like this one.

    A new, partially recycled iPhone case

    When I got my new iPhone last year I picked up a dirt cheap case of Amazon for some basic protection. It was fine, but not attractive and I didn’t realise how much it reduced Magsafe. Well, last week I replaced it with an Otterbox core (using an Amazon voucher I got from work). It’s great. I love the flecked look and the stronger magnets have made it attach better to my Belkin mount and Kuxui 3-in-1 Magsafe charger. Plus, it’s made from 50% recycled plastic.
    I’m sure there are nicer cases out there, and I would have a loved a good orange case (Orange is clearly the best colour, and yet so many shades suck) but I’m happy with my choice. At least for now.

    Be curious, not judgemental

    – Walt Whitman

    β€” Ted Lasso

    The new Lublin bus station last night.

    The central Lublin bus station. With pillars that look like tree branches.

    How I think I’ll feel when fasting vs how I actually feel.

    Just me?

    The pessimist says it’s half empty.

    The pedant says it’s full.

    This is the exact loop in thinking I go through whenever I consider moving my newsletter off substack. “Helpfully”, my sketchy ideas website also seems to be down. So maybe this is the push I need to move platform (Is that Ghost whispering my name I hear?)

    Dog vs Apple Pencil.

    Today I learned there’s a raspberry pi store in Cambridge. I’ve just managed to avoid buying one. For now.

    In Cambridge today to see some old friends.

    Family Christmas in the Derbyshire Dales. It’s been lovely, windy and exhausting. Still a few more days to go when we leave. We’ve had erratic internet access the whole time but I picked up an eSim for the rest of our stay here. Still, even that doesn’t always provide access! The process was great though, still not as good as the old EU roaming was but better than high roaming fees.

    A new sketchnote summary of an article on 8 ways to end imposter syndrome for good.

    A sketchnote of Nick Wignall’s article 8 Ways to end imposter syndrome for good.
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