
    This is Poland.

    I’m 90% sure reminders is all I need for task management…and yet here I am thinking about things 3 and omnifocus again.

    Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke. β€” F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Thinking about this today for no reason.

    I really don’t care that podcasters “can’t” use an iPad to record a podcast. There are solutions out there. Okay, they aren’t the same as their mac setups but they still work. Plus it’s really tiring to hear people complain about the same issues year over year that affect a tiny group.

    Finished reading: Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon πŸ“š Read it again for some creative inspiration (and to help juice my reading numbers for the year).

    Currently reading: Digital Liturgies by Samuel James πŸ“š

    • 3 pack of bullet journal pocket notebooks - €19
    • 3 pack of field notes Kraft €12 (ish) plus shipping or €16 from a locally store
    • 3 muji pocket notebooks €6 (ish)

    I know which I’m going for!

    Finished reading: Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer πŸ“š

    Finished reading: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier πŸ“š I wish I had read this when back when I was a manager. It would have corrected a load of my mistakes where I tried to solve everyone’s problems rather than letting others grow.

    In a couple of weeks, I’m going on a work trip to the mountains. So, naturally, I’m looking at picking up a “cheap” drone to play around with. I was investigating the DJI mini 3 (or a second hand mini 1 even) but somehow I’ve found myself looking at the FPV drones!

    Actual footage of me before and after drinking coffee.

    Jacob Collier is my happy place. A couple of years back I thought he as talent but I wouldn’t really put his stuff on. Now It’s on repeat. Djesse 4 is fantastic.

    I had been using Obsidian a lot less for a couple of months but I’m back again! But I know it doesn’t gel for a lot of people. If you use a similar but different app, I’d love to know what you’ve found.

    Had some dust on my camera lens (easter photos all had a black dot at the bottom) so I cleaned my sensor for the first time yesterday. Much easier than I thought it would be!

    Just stumbled across a life planner thing that comes in a fancy black box. I don’t want a life planner notebook, but I really want a fancy black box with cards worksheets, etc (oh and it just so happens to have a notebook).

    It’s amazing how packaging can affect your mind.

    I’ve started using the health apps β€œlog your mood” feature and I love it. It’s a nice prompt. I’m also intentionally trying to turn negative feelings into positive ones (I.e. I had a few unpleasant logs about work so I picked a fun task. My next work log was pleasant. )

    Interesting little fact. We tend to be more optimistic about our local area than our nation. I.e. we think [crime/vandalism/unemployement] is worse on a national level than a local one.

    Earlier this year I read Gospel Allegiance by Matthew W Bates. It argues that the greek word we frequently translate as “Faith” might be best understood as Allegiance (even though Bates acknowledges that Pistis means faith/faithfulness/trust. This was a detail I missed in my first reading but caught when preparing the sketchnote.) The standout parts are where he breaks down Paul’s explanation of the Gospel in 1 Corinthians and explaining how works are necessary.

    I really enjoyed making this one, mainly because I love any excuse to use a gold leaf layer in procreate.

    Finished reading: Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey πŸ“švery interesting cultural insights into core gospel passages (the nativity, the Lord’s Prayer, preaching in Nazareth).

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